Monday 15 October 2007

A Spectator on the HUMAN RACE

For some time now I have felt that my other environmental on line journal did not allow me the scope to comment on all that was going on in the world. This is partly because I do try to keep that one focused upon the positive side of practical conservation work and my observations of the wildlife within my own little patch of the countryside. However, my concerns and interests extend far beyond what is happening in conservation and to the environment, as while we all have to learn to share our planet with the natural flora and fauna, ultimately it is how we share the planet with our own species that is vital.

Ever since I was a child I have despaired at the wars, the killings and the cruelty of man. I even drew a map of the world that I could stick pins in so that I could see, visually, where all these wars and conflicts were. I was only about ten when I did this, and while I am in my forties now, I can see even more cruelty and conflict in the world. The difference is that I now see what’s going on in the world much more clearly than I did when I was a child. While I know that had the internet existed when I was using pins in a map to try to understand what was happening I would have been utilising the web to garner information I doubt that anything I said or wrote then would have changed anything.

However, the internet has and does provide a clear open window on what’s going on in the world, and unlike the periods in recent history where dictators and despots could conceal the truth from the wider world, the technology now means that repression can be exposed.

As the readers of my other Blog will know, I moved to after discovering that Yahoo in China had directly aided the Chinese authorities in helping to arrest dissidents in china. This included a Journalist who was just trying to find out the truth on a particular story, and is now serving a ten-year sentence.

I have no idea if anyone will read this Blog, nor if it will do anything to help change the world for the better, but even if it only records the depravity of the Human Race, then so be it.

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